Tezpur police have arrested Sadek Ali, a subject teacher from Ali Ballabh Bhai Patil Higher Secondary School, for attempting to fraudulently assist his wife during the High School Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) at Tezpur Government Higher Secondary Multipurpose Girls’ School. Ali posed as a woman named “Sajid Ali” to sit beside his wife, Sajida, during the exam.
The fraudulent act was uncovered when an alert teacher recognized Sadek Ali and reported the incident to authorities. Upon investigation, it was revealed that Ali had applied for the exam under the false name Sajid Ali and was seated next to his wife. This discovery prompted swift action by Tezpur Sadar police, who detained Ali shortly after.
The arrest has raised concerns about examination malpractice and professional integrity, particularly as Ali is a working teacher. The Assam Education Board has not yet issued a statement regarding the incident, but local authorities’ quick response has been praised.
Authorities are continuing to investigate Sadek Ali’s actions and the broader implications of such fraudulent behavior in the examination process.