Three men were arrested this week in Tamil Nadu in connection with a daring Rs 10-crore robbery at a cooperative bank in Mangaluru, Karnataka. One of the arrested suspects, Murugandi Thevar, 36, is also linked to a robbery that took place in Navi Mumbai in 2016.
Thevar, the main suspect in the January 17 heist at the Mangaluru bank, was identified as a key figure in an August 2016 robbery at Popular Finance in Seawoods, Navi Mumbai. Along with Thevar, Yosuva Rajendran, 35, was also arrested in connection with the Mangaluru robbery. While Rajendran was linked to the 2016 robbery, he had not been apprehended until now.
Both suspects, along with a third individual, are under investigation for their roles in the recent heist and the previous crime in Navi Mumbai. Authorities are continuing to track down other potential links between these incidents and further arrests may follow.