The Gurugram cyber police successfully raided a fake call centre operating out of a house in Durga Colony, Sector 39, and arrested three individuals, including the centre’s owner. The accused …
US citizens
Business-RelatedTelemarketing Scams
Goa Cybercrime Police Arrest Seven in Fake Call Centre Bust
by Ananya MehtaGoa’s cybercrime police arrested seven individuals on Friday for allegedly operating a fake call centre. The suspects impersonated agents from loan companies, Amazon staff, bank employees, and representatives from government …
by Ananya Mehta -
Online and TechTech Support Scams
Nikhil Rana and 14 Others Arrested for Cyber Fraud
by Ananya MehtaFifteen individuals, including three women, were apprehended on Friday for allegedly defrauding US citizens by posing as technology support representatives, according to senior police officials. The suspects had relocated their …
by Ananya Mehta