Hyderabad Police apprehended four individuals, including a college student, on Wednesday for allegedly possessing OG weed (a strain of ganja) and hash oil in two separate operations. The cumulative seizure …
task force
Business & Job Opportunity Scams
Abhishek Reddy & T Chinnamma Arrested in Fake Job Scam
by Ananya MehtaIn a major breakthrough, Hyderabad Task Force police arrested Abhishek Reddy and T Chinnamma for allegedly cheating numerous job seekers with false promises of providing overseas employment. The duo is …
by Ananya Mehta -
Identity Theft
Hyderabad Police Bust Fake Document Syndicate Six Arrested 50,000 Fake IDs Seized
by Ananya MehtaIn a major breakthrough, the North Zone Task Force and Mahankali Police have successfully dismantled a gang involved in the fabrication and sale of fake documents since 2015. The gang …
by Ananya Mehta