In a significant breakthrough, the Cyber Crime Wing of the Tamil Nadu Police arrested three individuals accused of defrauding people by offering fake online trading schemes promising high returns. The …
Tamil Nadu
The Central Crime Branch (CCB) of Avadi City Police has apprehended a 34-year-old man from Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu, for allegedly swindling over Rs4 crore. This money was intended for an …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant development regarding a suspected large-scale scam involving Class 12 public exams in Tamil Nadu, a CB-CID team arrested nine individuals, including four government employees, in Madurai on …
by Ananya Mehta -
A special police team from the Crime Branch Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) arrested Villivakkam police inspector Prithviraj on Wednesday for his alleged involvement in a Rs100 crore land fraud case …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Princess Fatima Fouzia Files Fraud Case Over Rs 121 Crore Land Deal
by Ananya MehtaPrincess Fatima Fouzia, granddaughter of the Nizam VII of Hyderabad, Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, has initiated a criminal case against three individuals for allegedly fabricating a land deal valued …
by Ananya Mehta