The Periyanaickenpalayam police in Coimbatore have arrested three individuals involved in the murder of Kannan, a fellow drug peddler. The suspects, Sridharan (27), Harikrishnan (25), and Karthi (28), were arrested …
Tamil Nadu crime
In a breakthrough investigation, six individuals, including a couple, have been arrested for the murder of P. Elangovan, a resident of Vagarayampalayam near Karumathampatti in Coimbatore district. The crime, which …
by Ananya Mehta -
Burglary and Theft
Six Arrested in Chennai Port Heist Involving Rs35 Crore Worth Dell Laptops
by Ananya MehtaIn a dramatic development, six individuals were arrested by the Chennai Police in connection with a RS35 crore heist involving the theft of 5,207 Dell laptops from the Chennai Port …
by Ananya Mehta