On Tuesday afternoon, Chhatarpur Police arrested Love Kumar Rajak, a resident of Khodhi village, after he was found riding a stolen black Pulsar motorcycle during a routine vehicle check near …
stolen motorcycle
A Sheriff’s office helicopter pilot recently played a key role in the arrest of a prolific Central Florida criminal. Polk County Sheriff’s Office helicopter pilot, Arman, was flying over Rifle …
Three Arrested in Muhlenberg County Drug Bust, Stolen Motorcycle Recovered Three people were arrested in Muhlenberg County on Monday after a police search led to the discovery of drugs and …
Burglary and Theft
Yerawada Police Arrest Gang for Stealing Rs2 Lakh from Tarkeshwar Temple
by Ananya MehtaThe Yerawada police have arrested a gang involved in a daring theft at the historic Tarkeshwar Mahadev temple, located in Yerawada, Pune. The gang had broken into the temple on …
by Ananya Mehta