A couple was arrested in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, on Friday after being found in possession of 13.17 grams of smack. The accused, identified as Suraj Bhandari (30) and Meenakshi (20), are …
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Gurugram Police Arrest Three Drug Peddlers, Seize Smack and Marijuana
by Ananya MehtaIn a major drug bust on Thursday, the Gurugram police arrested three individuals and recovered a total of 3.06 grams of smack and 11.308 kilograms of illegal marijuana. The arrests …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug Trafficking
3 Drug Smugglers Arrested with 1kg of Smack Worth Rs3 Crore in Uttarakhand
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant operation on Saturday evening, Uttarakhand Police arrested three drug smugglers and seized about 1 kilogram of smack, valued at over Rs3 crore in the international market. The …
by Ananya Mehta