Khanna police have arrested Mohit, a wanted member of a gang involved in the August 14 temple heist at the Shivpuri temple. Mohit, from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, was arrested after …
silver theft
Burglary and Theft
Kakinada Krishna Rao Arrested for Temple Theft Racket in Prakasam
by Ananya MehtaIn a major breakthrough, the Prakasam district police arrested Kakinada Krishna Rao, a 68-year-old member of a notorious gang involved in the theft of temple ornaments and properties. The arrest, …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a major breakthrough, the Vellore police arrested R. Suriya (19), K. Selva (19), and R. Santhosh (24) for stealing silver and electronic items from houses in Vellore town. The …
by Ananya Mehta