Shimla Police arrested Karan Bahadur, a 37-year-old Nepalese man, for allegedly murdering his fellow laborer, Arjun Bahadur, in the Kumarsain area of Shimla district. The two men had been working …
Shimla Police
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Shimla Police Arrest Two Interstate Drug Peddlers from Uttarakhand
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant operation, Shimla police have arrested two interstate drug peddlers from Uttarakhand and seized 5.53 kg of charas (cannabis) from their possession. The accused, identified as Rajmohan (34) …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Shimla Police Arrest Three Drug Peddlers, Seize 41.81 gm Heroin
by Ananya MehtaIn a major drug bust, Shimla police have arrested three individuals, including a prominent drug kingpin, and seized 41.81 grams of heroin, also known as chitta, at the Interstate Bus …
by Ananya Mehta