Hyderabad police arrested 13 members of a gang involved in a sophisticated UPI fraud worth Rs 4 crore. The accused, all from Rajasthan, used a unique modus operandi to cheat …
Rajasthan gang
On September 8, Cyberabad police arrested 13 members of a Rajasthan-based gang involved in a massive Rs4 crore UPI fraud. The operation, carried out by the Shamshabad Central Crime Station …
by Ananya Mehta -
Debt Collection ScamsFinancial
Uttarakhand STF Busts Cyber Fraud Gang in Digital Arrest Case
by Ananya MehtaThe Uttarakhand Police’s Special Task Force (STF) has successfully dismantled a cyber fraud gang operating from Rajasthan, marking the state’s first-ever “digital arrest” case. The gang is accused of swindling …
by Ananya Mehta