In a major breakthrough, the Bapatla district police have successfully cracked a cyber fraud case involving a whopping Rs74 lakh. The police arrested two individuals from Rajasthan—identified as Ramesh and …
Rajasthan arrest
Online and TechPhishing Scams
Odisha Police Arrest Two for Rs 23 Lakh Digital Arrest Scam
by Ananya MehtaOdisha Police have successfully arrested two individuals from Rajasthan for defrauding a Rourkela resident, Arun Kumar Mandal, of Rs 23 lakh through a digital arrest scam. The accused, Mukesh Kumar …
by Ananya Mehta -
Social Media Scams
Rajasthan Duo Arrested for Scamming Social Media Users as Nagpur Police Commissioner
by Ananya MehtaIn a recent online scam case, four individuals from Rajasthan were arrested for deceiving social media users by impersonating Nagpur Police Commissioner, Dr. Ravinder Singhal. A juvenile was also taken …
by Ananya Mehta