The Mangaluru police have arrested two individuals from Kerala in connection with an online investment fraud case, where the victim lost a total of Rs77.96 lakh in 2024. The accused, …
online investment fraud
CryptoCryptocurrency Scams
Kunjathbail Mujib Sayyad Arrested for Rs 1.66 Crore Online Investment Scam
by Ananya MehtaThe Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Cyberabad Commissionerate has successfully cracked a major online investment fraud case, arresting Kunjathbail Mujib Sayyad, the main accused in the scam. Sayyad, a resident …
by Ananya Mehta -
Delhi police arrested 29-year-old Mohammad Daud on Wednesday for allegedly scamming a 32-year-old woman out of Rs 23.5 lakh. Daud used a fraudulent website promoted on social media, which promised …
by Ananya Mehta