Chandannagar police have arrested four individuals—three from Mumbai and one from Hyderabad—on charges of stealing mobile phones from attendees at an international DJ’s concert. The incident took place on Friday …
mobile phone theft
Burglary and Theft
Bengaluru Police Arrest Seven for Stealing Mobile Phones Worth Rs28.7 Lakh
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant breakthrough, the Bengaluru city police arrested seven individuals involved in the theft of mobile phones across the city. The police recovered a total of 208 stolen mobile …
by Ananya Mehta -
A man who committed eight knifepoint robberies in the space of 24-hours was jailed on Friday (12 July) for a number of offences.Between Thursday 12 October and the early hours …
The Bauchi State Police Command has arrested two 15-year-old students in connection with a robbery at a mobile phone shop in Wunti Market, located in Bauchi metropolis. The suspects, identified …
A woman has been sentenced to eight months in prison after being convicted of a series of distraction thefts targeting mobile phones across multiple counties. Nirex Stanescu, 24, of no …
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