Businessman Sanjay Sureka was arrested on Wednesday by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with a massive Rs6,000 crore banking scam. The arrest follows extensive investigations into Sureka’s alleged role …
luxury vehicles
Thai social media influencer Mr. Thanawan, known for his large following, has been detained under a warrant issued by the Criminal Court on public fraud charges. He was taken to …
Herman Moloi Reporter A woman from North West, Natchy Britz, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for defrauding victims of R3.7 million by falsely presenting herself as a …
The police have apprehended two individuals, Arshdeep Singh of Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar and Amarjit Singh of Shaheed Karnail Singh Nagar, in connection with a luxury car re-selling scam. According …
by Ananya Mehta