On January 22, the Hyderabad Police arrested two individuals involved in a theft case, recovering stolen jewellery and gadgets worth Rs4,60,000. The accused have been identified as Gajen, 21, a …
Swargate police recently uncovered a notorious gang involved in numerous thefts and robberies across Pune city and rural areas. The gang’s prime accused, Ganesh Maruti Kathewade (37), a native of …
by Ananya Mehta -
Burglary and Theft
Mumbai Man Arrested for Stealing Gold Jewellery Worth Rs 16.5 Lakh
by Ananya MehtaThe Mumbai Police arrested a 28-year-old man, Abbas Mustafa Labbe, for stealing gold jewellery worth Rs 16.5 lakh from a trader’s bag. The police successfully recovered the entire stolen amount, …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a major breakthrough, eight members of an interstate gang were arrested for stealing cash and jewellery valued at Rs 1.05 crore from a bank in Surat, Gujarat. The gang …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a shocking development, three people were arrested in connection with the murder of 73-year-old Subhadra, an elderly woman from Kochi, on Friday. The arrested individuals were identified as Mathews, …
by Ananya Mehta