The Jaipur police’s crime branch arrested three gang members from Amritsar on Monday for their involvement in chain-snatching crimes. The accused, identified as Vikramjeet Singh (40), Simranjeet Singh (37), and …
Jaipur Police
Phishing Scams
Jaipur Police Arrests Anil Kumar Meena in ₹1.42 Crore Cybercrime Scam
by Ananya MehtaOn Wednesday, a special team from Jaipur police arrested 30-year-old Anil Kumar Meena, a wanted criminal involved in a cybercrime scam worth Rs1.42 crore. Meena, a native of Dholpur, had …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a major breakthrough, Jaipur Police have arrested Sarvesh Kumawat, a man who posed as a senior government official and scammed at least 25 women through social media. Kumawat, who …
by Ananya Mehta