Hyderabad Police apprehended four individuals, including a college student, on Wednesday for allegedly possessing OG weed (a strain of ganja) and hash oil in two separate operations. The cumulative seizure …
Hash Oil
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Ulangi Prakash Arrested for Manufacturing and Smuggling Hash Oil in ASR District
by Ananya MehtaIn a major breakthrough, the Chintapalli sub-division police arrested Ulangi Prakash, a key figure involved in the illegal manufacturing and smuggling of 53 kg of liquid ganja, also known as …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug Trafficking
Hyderabad Police Seize 13.5 kg of Hash Oil, Arrest Two Brothers in Major Drug Bust
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant drug bust, Hyderabad Police arrested two brothers, Vanchurba Kondababu (30) and Vanchurba Balakrishna (20), and seized 13.5 kg of hash oil, valued at Rs 14 crore, in …
by Ananya Mehta