Bengaluru police have arrested four individuals, including Vaibhav Pithadiya, a relationship manager at Axis Bank in Rajkot, in connection with a large-scale fraud involving the siphoning of Rs 12 crore …
Gujarat scam
Government Impersonation Scams
Ahmedabad Advocates Arrested for Forging GPSC Appointment Letters
by Ananya MehtaThe Ahmedabad Crime Branch on Saturday arrested three advocates practicing at the sessions court for their involvement in a major scam. The accused are alleged to have forged appointment letters …
by Ananya Mehta -
Investment Scams
Three Arrested in Rs 24 Lakh Investment Fraud Cyber Criminals Duped Victim with Fake Schemes
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant breakthrough, the Delhi Police have arrested three individuals who were involved in an elaborate investment scam that duped a man of Rs23.90 lakh. The scammers used fake …
by Ananya Mehta -
The Crime Branch is investigating Bhupendra Sinh Zala, the founder of BZ financial services, who allegedly built a massive network of 3,000 agents involved in luring people to invest in …