The Noida Police on Monday successfully arrested three members of the notorious Pardi/Shikari gang, including two wanted criminals, Himanshu Verma (25) and Mayur Kumar (33), both carrying a bounty of …
gang arrest
Police in Anambra State have successfully apprehended 18-year-old Anichede Akachukwu, also known as “Star B,” a notorious cult leader and leader of an armed robbery gang. According to a statement …
In a major breakthrough, Hyderabad Police have successfully arrested a 3-member gang involved in an attention diversion crime targeting senior citizens and illiterate individuals at ATM centers. The gang, responsible …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a shocking turn of events, Varanasi police uncovered that the kingpin of a Rs43.5 lakh robbery gang was none other than one of their own officers. Suryaprakash Pandey, a …
by Ananya Mehta -
The Jaipur police’s crime branch arrested three gang members from Amritsar on Monday for their involvement in chain-snatching crimes. The accused, identified as Vikramjeet Singh (40), Simranjeet Singh (37), and …
by Ananya Mehta -
Burglary and Theft
Prakasam Police Arrest Five for Ganja Smuggling, Gold Chain Thefts
by Ananya MehtaThe Superintendent of Police for Prakasam district, AR Damodar, announced that the Podili police have successfully arrested a gang of five individuals involved in ganja smuggling, peddling, and gold chain …
by Ananya Mehta -
Smishing Scams
Madhya Pradesh Police Arrest Four in ATM Card Fraud Gang, Including Mastermind Sanskar Pawar
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant breakthrough in an ATM card fraud case, the police in Maihar, Madhya Pradesh, have arrested four members of an organized criminal gang, including the mastermind, Sanskar Pawar, …
by Ananya Mehta