The Panchkula police have successfully arrested two individuals from Punjab for their involvement in an elaborate cyber fraud that duped an 85-year-old retired Major General of ₹83 lakh. The incident …
financial scam
The Hyderabad Economic Offences Wing (EOW) has arrested Mousami Biswas, a key accused in a massive investment scam that defrauded Hyderabad citizens of up to Rs70 crore. Biswas, a 49-year-old …
by Ananya Mehta -
Online and TechPhishing Scams
Four Arrested in ₹42 Lakh Online Job Fraud Cash and Assets Seized
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant breakthrough, the Cyber Police have arrested four individuals involved in a large-scale online job fraud. The accused were apprehended on Saturday, with the police seizing Rs42 lakh …
by Ananya Mehta -
Online and TechPhishing Scams
Hyberabad Police Arrest Suresh Kumar for Rs. 1.37 Crore Digital Fraud
by Ananya MehtaThe hyberabad police have arrested Suresh Kumar Babulal in connection with a high-profile digital fraud case involving an amount of Rs. 1.37 crore. Babulal, along with two absconding accomplices, Neeraj …
by Ananya Mehta -
Government Impersonation Scams
Suresh Kumar Babulal Arrested in ₹1.37 Crore Digital Arrest Scam
by Ananya MehtaThe Hyberabad police have arrested Suresh Kumar Babulal for his involvement in a ‘digital arrest’ fraud case, in which the suspects allegedly conned a victim out of Rs1.37 crore. According …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Noida Police Arrests Naresh Kumar for Defrauding Retired Official
by Ananya MehtaThe Noida cybercrime branch has apprehended 22-year-old Naresh Kumar from Haryana for allegedly defrauding a 68-year-old retired government official of Rs1.19 crore. This incident, which occurred in mid-October, involved a …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant crackdown, Ballari police have arrested Ajay Kumar Jaiswal, a man accused of defrauding Hindustan Metal Private Limited of Rs2.11 crore using a fake email. Jaiswal was apprehended …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Gyari Das and Santhosh Kumar Arrested for Online Fraud in Kochi
by Ananya MehtaTwo men, Gyari Das (67) from Mayyanad, Kollam, and Santhosh Kumar (57) from Chittethukara, were arrested by the Ernakulam Town North police on Tuesday in connection with an online fraud …
by Ananya Mehta