The Crime Branch of Indore Police arrested Ravi Shankar Ojha, a man accused of duping people with fake Dubai travel packages. Ojha, originally from Jharkhand, was apprehended from Gurugram in …
fake travel packages
In a shocking revelation, Guwahati has become the latest city to be targeted by a travel package scam, with fraudulent activities involving an agency named “Discovery” that operated in the …
by Ananya Mehta -
Fake App ScamsOnline and Tech
B.Tech Graduate Irfan Arrested for Haj Pilgrimage Scam in Delhi
by Ananya MehtaThe Cyber Cell of the Delhi Police has arrested a B.Tech Graduate running a scam involving discounted Haj pilgrimage packages through Instagram advertisements. The police were informed about the fraud …
by Ananya Mehta