The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police recently arrested two individuals from Gujarat for allegedly scamming a Hyderabad-based doctor out of Rs3 crore by posing as government officials. The two accused, Harpal …
doctor fraud
The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) arrested Krishna Kumar alias Sunil, 27, from Ghaziabad on Friday for his involvement in a digital arrest scam that swindled Rs48 lakh from …
by Ananya Mehta -
Real estate scam
Balwinder Singh Arrested for Land Fraud, Dupes Buyers of Rs1.03 Crore
by Ananya MehtaThe police have arrested Balwinder Singh, a resident of Jayanti Majri, for allegedly defrauding multiple buyers by forging revenue documents and illegally selling land in the Mullanpur area. Singh, who …
by Ananya Mehta