In a major crackdown, Indian police have arrested the alleged mastermind behind a large-scale illegal exchange of demonetised Rs 2,000 notes. Anil Jain, along with three associates, was apprehended for …
currency fraud
Fake Financial Services Scams
Ahmedabad Police Arrest Ronak Chetan Rathod, Khush Patel in Fake Currency Bust
by Ananya MehtaThe Special Operations Group (SOG) of Ahmedabad City Police successfully foiled a counterfeit currency racket on Thursday, arresting four individuals in connection with the production and distribution of fake Australian …
by Ananya Mehta -
Reporter TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on November 1, 2024, that TTH, a 50-year-old Indonesian citizen, was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection …
The Bhiwandi police have successfully apprehended a group of fraudsters accused of deceiving individuals by offering to sell foreign currency at lower rates. The primary suspects, Hasan Musa Shaikh (29) …
by Ananya Mehta