In a significant breakthrough, the Malleswaram police in Bengaluru have arrested ten individuals involved in a major engineering seat-blocking scam. The scam, which defrauded eligible candidates, allowed private colleges to …
Bengaluru scam
Government Impersonation Scams
Bengaluru Police Bust Fake CSR Funds Scam 5 Arrested in ₹30.9 Crore Racket
by Ananya MehtaThe Central Crime Branch (CCB) of Bengaluru has dismantled a sophisticated fake CSR funds racket, arresting five individuals involved in the scam. The police seized Rs23.4 lakh in cash and …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant breakthrough, the Cybercrime Economic Offences and Narcotics (CEN) police, North Division, Bengaluru, arrested 10 individuals involved in an elaborate online job fraud scheme. The police acted on …
by Ananya Mehta