Darshan Thoogudeepa, the beloved superstar of the Kannada film industry, has been arrested in connection with a shocking crime that mirrors the plot of a movie. He, along with 16 …
Bengaluru crime
A Bengaluru court has sent Dilip BR to ED custody for seven days following his arrest in connection with a multi-layered fraud scheme. Dilip, who allegedly used fake identities to …
by Ananya Mehta -
CryptoCryptocurrency Scams
Software Engineer Arrested for Stealing ₹56 Crore in Cryptocurrency from Bengaluru Firm
by Ananya MehtaIn a major breakthrough, the Cyber Crime unit of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has arrested a 26-year-old software engineer, Shubhang Jain, for allegedly stealing cryptocurrency worth Rs56 crore from …
by Ananya Mehta -
Government Impersonation Scams
Purushottam Arrested for Smuggling Goa Liquor Bengaluru Couple Attacked by Thugs
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant crackdown, Bengaluru’s Excise Police arrested Purushottam, a Kathreguppe resident, for smuggling large quantities of liquor from Goa and selling it at discounted rates in the city. Purushottam, …
by Ananya Mehta