Delhi Police have arrested Sher Singh, 45, and his nephew Harish Singh, 24, in connection with the abduction and murder of Rajan Lamba, a 69-year-old businessman from Bawana. The police …
Sheikh Shahnawaz, also known as Sohail and Bura, a 23-year-old man from Jahangirpuri, was arrested by Delhi Police on Thursday after being found in possession of heroin worth Rs2.5 crore. …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug Trafficking
Delhi Police Arrest Two for Drug Peddling, Seize Rs 2.5 Crore Heroin
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant operation, Delhi Police have arrested two individuals, including a woman, involved in drug trafficking. The police seized 402 grams of heroin, with an estimated market value of …
by Ananya Mehta