The Barrackpore Cyber Crime Police, in collaboration with the Siliguri Police and CID, have apprehended five individuals involved in a cyber fraud network. The accused—Riju Roy, Partha Mondal, Shubham Barik, …
bank accounts
Five individuals in southern Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam, were arrested by local authorities on Wednesday for their involvement in a large-scale money laundering operation. The suspects—Pham Van Nghia (45), Ngoc …
CryptoCryptocurrency Scams
Bikaner Trio Arrested for Helping Chinese Nationals in Cyber Fraud
by Ananya MehtaThe Cybercrime branch officers arrested three men from Bikaner on Friday for allegedly aiding Chinese nationals in cyber fraud and extortion activities. Indrajeet Pawar (37), Rahul Gehlot (28), and Kailash …
by Ananya Mehta -
Phishing Scams
Ankit Jain Arrested in Major Cyber Fraud Tied to Mahadev Betting Scam
by Ananya MehtaAnkit Jain, a former employee of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and a BTech graduate, was arrested by Delhi police for his involvement in a widespread cyber fraud operation that exploited …
by Ananya Mehta -
Investment Scams
Three Arrested in Ahmedabad for Rs 1 Crore Stock Market Investment Scam
by Ananya MehtaThree individuals were arrested by the Ahmedabad Cybercrime Police for their involvement in a stock market investment fraud that resulted in losses of nearly Rs 1 crore. The arrested men …
by Ananya Mehta -
The Cyber Crime Police have arrested six individuals involved in a significant cyber fraud racket that was operating from Dubai. The arrests took place on Friday, and the suspects have …
by Ananya Mehta