A Surat-based gang has been busted by the Bengaluru cybercrime police for defrauding Meesho, an online marketplace, of Rs5.5 crore in a meticulously executed scam. The gang exploited vulnerabilities in the company’s payment and logistics processes between January and July 2024. Three members of the gang have been arrested, while the kingpins—a couple involved in the textile business—remain at large.
The police have recovered approximately Rs25 lakh from the arrested trio. Preliminary investigations revealed that the gang used sophisticated methods to cover their tracks. They cycled the stolen funds through multiple mule accounts and used an astounding 250 SIM cards and 50 bank accounts to facilitate their fraudulent operations.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Uttam Kumar Mangukiya (31), Parthbhai Mangukiya (21), and Maulik Ghori (20), all residents of Surat, Gujarat. Uttam, an M.Com graduate, worked in the loans section of a bank, while Parthbhai, a BBA graduate, worked at a jewelry store. Maulik was employed at a textile store.
According to the complaint filed by Meesho on July 26, the gang operated under the business name of Om Sai Fashion in Surat. They were registered as suppliers on Meesho’s platform and falsely claimed refunds for products that were returned. The scam involved shipping low-cost items, like T-shirts, instead of more expensive goods, such as saris worth Rs2,000. When these parcels were returned due to fake addresses, the gang filmed unboxing videos and falsely alleged that the products had been replaced. These videos were then approved by a third-party agent, prompting Meesho to credit payments to their accounts.
During interrogation, the accused revealed that they used the fraudulent earnings on ‘dabbi’, a term used for gambling in Gujarat. They also spent their ill-gotten wealth on partying and living lavishly.
Further investigations revealed a link between the same SIM cards used in the Meesho fraud and a separate online scam. In this case, a 45-year-old woman from Doddanekundi in Bengaluru lost Rs81 lakh after falling victim to an online training and trading scam on July 13. This information has led investigators to believe the gang may be responsible for multiple scams across the region.
The cybercrime police are continuing their probe, with efforts underway to apprehend the gang’s masterminds. The case highlights the growing issue of cyber fraud targeting online platforms and the need for enhanced security measures in digital transactions.