Zirakpur Police have arrested three youths, Simranjit Singh, Honey, and Roshan Kumar, in connection with the murder of Akashdeep Singh, a 25-year-old resident of Gurdaspur, at Patiala Chowk.
A murder case was registered against the accused Simranjit Singh and 12 others at the Zirakpur Police Station, as confirmed by Station House Officer (SHO) Jaskanwal Singh Shekhon.
According to the police, the incident occurred when Akashdeep and his friend Rajwinder went to a liquor store, where they had an altercation with Honey. After the confrontation, Honey called his friends, including Simranjit and Roshan, who then attacked both victims. Akashdeep Singh later succumbed to his injuries.
Further investigations are underway, and police have also booked the accused’s aides involved in the incident.