The Shivamogga Police have arrested a woman named Kamalamma, 48, from Seegebagi in Bhadravati town in connection with a theft case. Kamalamma allegedly stole a bag containing gold ornaments worth Rs20 lakh and two silk saris from a woman, Prabhavathi, at the Bhadravathi KSRTC bus stand on November 1.
Prabhavathi, the complainant, discovered her bag missing after she had boarded a bus to Shivamogga. The bag, which contained valuable gold jewelry and silk saris, was taken by the thief during the hustle and bustle at the bus stand. After a detailed investigation, the Shivamogga police apprehended Kamalamma and recovered the stolen items.
The police have confirmed that the total value of the recovered items exceeds Rs20 lakh. Further investigation is ongoing as the authorities continue to gather more information about Kamalamma’s involvement in other potential thefts.