Semmes PTO President Allison Leger Arrested for Identity Theft

SEMMES, Ala. (WKRG) — Allison Leger, 37, the president of the Semmes Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), has been arrested on charges of identity theft and fraudulent use of a credit card after allegedly stealing money from the organization.

The investigation began when the PTO treasurer noticed missing funds and alerted Semmes Police Department (SPD). Sergeant Launduke Bagsby explained that upon reviewing financial statements and ATM withdrawals, a debit card linked to Leger was found to be associated with the missing money.

The treasurer then discovered Cash App notifications for an account she didn’t recognize. It was revealed that Leger had used the treasurer’s identity to create a Cash App account and access the PTO funds.

Leger is accused of using the stolen money to make personal purchases at various businesses. Police have not disclosed the exact amount of money taken.

Leger was booked into Metro Jail on Friday, December 13, and remains in custody as the investigation continues.

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