Home » Sean Patrick Beatty Arrested in Newton for Possession of Stolen Goods and Larceny

Sean Patrick Beatty Arrested in Newton for Possession of Stolen Goods and Larceny

Sean Beatty faces multiple charges including possession of stolen goods and larceny

by Sophia Bennett

NEWTON, N.C. (Newton Police Department) – Sean Patrick Beatty, a 36-year-old resident of North Main Avenue in Newton, was arrested on Thursday, March 20, by Newton Police Officers. He faces multiple charges, including felony and misdemeanor counts of possession of stolen goods or property, obtaining property by false pretense, misdemeanor larceny, and resisting a public officer.

Beatty was taken into custody and incarcerated in the Catawba County Detention Facility with a bond set at $8,000. He had District Court appearances scheduled for March 21 and April 23.

Further details regarding the nature of the theft and the investigation have not been released, and authorities are continuing to review the case.

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