In a major breakthrough, Sambalpur Police on Wednesday dismantled an inter-state gang of dacoits, arresting 10 individuals linked to a series of criminal activities. The accused have been identified as Madan Sundar Khadia, Sachin Khadia, Sanjay Khadia, Sudarshan Khadia, Bikash Khadia, Bulu Kandha, Sunil Majhi, Anil Majhi, Bhubana Luhara, and Swaraj Meher.
The police also recovered a significant amount of stolen property during the operation. A total of 480 grams of gold, 165 grams of silver, 35 silver coins, Rs 5,12,000 in cash, and various vehicles, including two Boleros, two tractors, four bikes, and one scooter, were seized. Additionally, 11 mobile phones and weapons, including bhujali, knives, ropes, and crowbars, were confiscated. The total value of the seized items is estimated to be around Rs 75 lakhs.
Reports indicate that the gang had been involved in several criminal activities, including dacoities, thefts, and burglaries. They primarily targeted rice mills across Sambalpur and neighboring districts, committing approximately 21 crimes. This successful operation marks a significant achievement for Sambalpur Police in curbing organized crime in the region.