Rupnagar police successfully cracked a major theft case, recovering mobile phones and other items worth Rs 35 lakh, after two individuals were arrested. The theft occurred on the night of August 24, 2024, when unknown culprits broke into Hitanshi Mobile Care shop at Shaheed Bhagat Singh Chowk in Rupnagar. The thieves stole 42 new mobile phones, 95 old phones, and a laptop from the shop.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Rupnagar, Mr. Gulneet Singh Khurana, shared the details in a press conference, explaining how a special investigation team, led by SP (Investigation) Rupinder Kaur Saran, was formed to investigate the theft. The team worked relentlessly, using a technical methodology to track down the culprits.
The investigation led to the arrest of Rajinder Singh alias Raju and Karanjit Singh, both residents of Kotla Nihang village in Rupnagar. The police seized numerous stolen items from the accused, including 42 new mobile phones, 94 old mobile phones, a laptop, an i20 car, a hydraulic cutter, a plasma cutter, a country-made pistol with live cartridges, and a saw. Additionally, the motorcycle used in the theft was recovered.
A case (No. 172) under various sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) was registered at Police Station City Rupnagar. The arrested suspects are being produced in court for police remand. Police suspect that more theft cases could emerge during their interrogation.
SSP Khurana assured the public that the police will continue their campaign against anti-social elements in the region, taking strict action against anyone involved in lawlessness, big or small. The Rupnagar police are dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of the public.