Rikuto Nagata Sentenced to Life for Fatal Tokyo Robbery

A Japanese court has sentenced 23-year-old Rikuto Nagata to life imprisonment for his role in a violent robbery that resulted in the death of a 90-year-old woman in western Tokyo. The crime is believed to be part of a coordinated series of burglaries orchestrated by an alleged criminal ring, whose leader operated under the pseudonym “Luffy.”

In the ruling delivered by Presiding Judge Akira Sugawara at the Tokyo District Court’s Tachikawa branch, Nagata was described as the “leader” of the operation, responsible for directing other participants during the robbery. Judge Sugawara noted that Nagata’s role in the fatal incident and other burglaries was “considerably large.”

The robbery was carried out in collaboration with accomplice Hiroyuki Nomura, 53, as they entered the victim’s home disguised as delivery personnel. Once inside, they brutally assaulted the woman, kicking her and beating her with a crowbar, leading to her death. They stole various valuables, including watches.

Linked to a series of over 50 robberies across Japan, this case is the only one that involved a fatality, a rare occurrence in Japan, drawing significant public concern.

Nagata admitted to his involvement, requesting the death penalty during his trial. However, prosecutors successfully argued for a life sentence, with the court citing the severity of his actions. Despite Nagata’s expressions of remorse, Judge Sugawara stated that a fixed prison term was inadequate given the crime’s ruthless nature.

The gang’s organization reportedly involved leaders using pseudonyms, such as “Luffy,” “Kim,” and “Mitsuhashi,” who recruited operatives through social media. Authorities believe Kiyoto Imamura, 40, a suspected ringleader, used “Luffy” as an alias to coordinate these dark, part-time crime assignments.

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