The Rayagada police successfully solved a theft case under Chandili police limits on Wednesday evening, leading to the arrest of four individuals. The police also recovered Rs2.5 lakh in cash and a motorcycle used during the crime.
The arrested suspects have been identified as Akash Hikoka (25), Pradip Meleka (29), and Siba Kadraka (19), all residents of Chandili, Rayagada district.
The burglary took place on January 5, around 11 pm, at a licensed liquor shop on Station Road, Therubali. The thieves broke into the premises by damaging the locks on both the main door and the cash box.
The shop manager, Anil Kumar (25), reported the theft, stating that the culprits had stolen Rs2.8 lakh in cash, along with additional uncounted currency stored in the cash box.
SDPO Rasmi Ranjan Senapati confirmed the arrests and stated that the police are continuing their investigation into the case. The suspects are facing charges under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code for theft and burglary.