Rajesh Sharma, a 41-year-old man, was arrested Monday at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, as he attempted to flee to Kathmandu. He was wanted by the police for his involvement in a Rs80 crore scam that defrauded people through fraudulent investment schemes. Sharma was on the police’s top 10 most-wanted fugitives list.
According to DCP (South), Digant Anand, Sharma, a resident of Jhalana area, had operated a fraudulent company in the posh Janpath Lal Kothi area. The company promised high returns through currency trading, stock market investments, real estate, and business consultancy, leading investors to invest large sums of money. Some even mortgaged their property or took loans, believing the false promises.
However, the company abruptly shut down, and the staff fled, leaving investors in a financial crisis. Numerous complaints from defrauded investors led to an investigation, and one of the company’s directors, Ravi Singh, was arrested. Rajesh Sharma, the second director, managed to flee but was eventually tracked down, and a lookout circular was issued for his arrest.