In a major breakthrough under Operation Cyber Shield, Rajasthan Police arrested five members of a gang involved in a large-scale cyber fraud that defrauded victims of Rs 26 crore. The gang created fake firms and used mule accounts to conduct transactions across multiple bank accounts.
The investigation revealed that the group had set up fraudulent accounts using stolen identities and documents. These accounts were used for various scams, including fake trading apps, illegal gaming platforms, and cryptocurrency fraud.
Key Details of the Operation:
The arrested individuals include Akashdeep (28), Aditya Valmiki (23), Zakir Hussain (30), Kailash Khichad (26), and Nidhiraj Bishnoi (27).
Seized items include 60 bank passbooks, 32 ATM and debit cards, 11 mobile phones, and various bank-related documents.
The gang targeted vulnerable individuals, offering money in exchange for using their identities to open accounts.
Authorities are continuing their investigation, with a focus on identifying other accomplices and victims involved in this extensive cyber fraud scheme.