On Thursday, Rajasthan police arrested three individuals from Pratapgarh district in connection with a significant drug trafficking operation. The arrests occurred during a raid as part of a special operation aimed at dismantling criminal networks involved in the drug trade.
The police seized four cars and six motorcycles during the operation. Pratapgarh SP Vineet Kumar Bansal confirmed that a police team, supported by members of the Quick Response Team, conducted the raid in Devaldi village, where they apprehended Vakil Khan Pathan (61), Sameer Khan Pathan (23), and Farid Khan Pathan (23), all residents of Devaldi village in Arnod.
Earlier, on March 6, Pratapgarh police arrested Narayan Lal Bhoi and Pradeep Meghwal from Chittorgarh, seizing 345 grams of MDMA. During their interrogation, the suspects revealed the involvement of the Pathan family in the drug trade. Following up on this information, authorities arrested Vakil Khan and his sons, Sameer and Farid Khan, expanding the investigation into a larger drug racket.
Shoaib Khan, another member of the Pathan family previously implicated in an MDMA case in Bhopal, remains absconding. However, the three arrested men are now in custody as the investigation continues to uncover more details.