In a recent online scam case, four individuals from Rajasthan were arrested for deceiving social media users by impersonating Nagpur Police Commissioner, Dr. Ravinder Singhal. A juvenile was also taken into custody in connection with the scam.
The complaint was filed by Mohammad Yaseer Bashir at the Sadar Police Station in Nagpur. Bashir reported receiving a message on Facebook Messenger from a profile named “Dr. Ravindra Singhal IPS.” The scammers, posing as Dr. Singhal, claimed that CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) personnel were selling furniture at a discounted rate.
Trusting the offer, Bashir was convinced to transfer a total of Rs85,000 across several different bank accounts. It was only after he realized he had been tricked that he filed the complaint, leading to the arrest of the suspects.
The authorities are continuing their investigation, focusing on uncovering more victims and identifying any additional fraudulent accounts linked to the scam. The arrests underscore the growing trend of impersonation scams on social media, where criminals exploit the reputations of well-known figures to defraud unsuspecting individuals.