In a shocking case of cyber fraud, Shweta Mehra from Raipur has reported a loss of Rs 29.49 lakh after falling victim to a fake Google review task job scam. The fraudsters posed as employers offering a lucrative opportunity to earn money by posting fake Google reviews. However, after making an initial payment, Shweta was tricked into paying more money, eventually losing a substantial amount.
The main accused, Prem Chandrakar (22) from Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, was arrested for operating the fraudulent scheme from a call center in Pune. According to police reports, Chandrakar used the ill-gotten money to construct a lavish house and buy an expensive car. Authorities have seized his properties, including the mobile phone and SIM card used in the scam.
In addition to Chandrakar’s arrest, over 500 bank accounts and UPI IDs linked to the scam have been blocked. Another suspect involved in the fraud was previously arrested in Gujarat. Investigations are ongoing as authorities work to uncover the full extent of this nationwide scam.