Rae Bareli Police arrested Surendra Kumar on Friday for allegedly murdering his father, Kallu Kumar, with a hammer on the night of January 15. Surendra was apprehended near Unnao while attempting to flee to Surat. During interrogation, he confessed to the crime, explaining that he had become frustrated with his father’s constant abuses.
The victim, Kallu Kumar (60), a resident of Sarai Mohammad Sharif, went to guard his fields after dinner on the evening of January 15. His body was discovered on the morning of January 16, with severe head injuries. Shivkali, Kallu’s wife, filed a complaint, prompting the Bhadohar Police to register a murder case and initiate an investigation.
Suspecting Surendra, who had gone missing after the incident, police traced his phone location between Unnao and Lucknow. Initially, Surendra claimed to be in Surat, but police teams led by SHO Dayanand Tiwari and SOG in-charge Vijendra Sharma successfully tracked him down and arrested him in Unnao.
Surendra, during questioning, admitted to killing his father in a fit of rage after years of enduring his verbal abuse. The police have now filed charges under Section 302 (Murder) of the Indian Penal Code.