The Punjab Vigilance Bureau has uncovered a significant recruitment scam, resulting in the arrest of two Class IV employees of the Punjab Police. The accused, Tarlochan Pal, a sweeper with the 3rd India Reserve Battalion, and Surinderpal, a barber at the Punjab Police Academy, were arrested for allegedly accepting bribes totaling more than Rs26 lakh. They promised 102 individuals jobs within the state police force, deceiving them into believing they would secure positions in exchange for money.
The arrests were made after an investigation was launched following a complaint filed through the Chief Minister’s Anti-Corruption Action Line portal. The complaint, submitted by Surinder Singh, a resident of Nanglan village in Hoshiarpur, led to the discovery of the scam.
The accused, who hailed from different regions—Tarlochan Pal from Adampur in Jalandhar and Surinderpal from Sikri in Nilokheri, Haryana—used their positions to exploit people seeking employment, leading to charges under anti-corruption laws.