The Sinhagad Road Police Station in Pune has successfully arrested a suspect in connection with a chain snatching incident that took place on September 12, 2024. The crime occurred when two assailants approached an elderly woman near the Swami Narayan Mandir under the pretense of asking for directions, before snatching her mangalsutra, valued at approximately Rs50,000.
Following the theft, a case was registered at the police station, and an investigation was launched. Deputy Commissioner of Police Sambhaji Kadam, Assistant Commissioner of Police Ajay Parmar, and Senior Police Inspector Raghavendra Singh Kshirsagar coordinated the investigation. The police team, led by Officer Sachin Nikam, made use of CCTV footage and technical analysis to track down the suspects.
On September 28, 2024, the police received information about the location of one of the accused, identified as 19-year-old Om Mahadev Yadav. He was found near JSPM College in Wagholi, and after confirming his identity through descriptions, he was detained. During questioning, Yadav confessed to stealing the mangalsutra.
Yadav was arrested under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and was later presented in court, where he was remanded to police custody for further investigation.
This operation was lauded by Pune City Police officials, including Commissioner Amitesh Kumar and Joint Commissioner Ranjan Kumar Sharma, for their effective collaboration and prompt action. The investigation continues under the leadership of Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Nikam and his team, as they work to gather further details and track down the second suspect involved in the crime.