The Prayagraj Cyber Crime Police, in coordination with the Uttar Pradesh Police Cyber Crime Headquarters, have arrested four individuals involved in a Rs2.08 crore scam. The gang carried out the fraud by posing as high-ranking officials on WhatsApp, deceiving their victim into transferring large sums of money under false pretenses.
The scam came to light when the victim received a WhatsApp message from someone claiming to be the son of a prominent minister. The message described a business deal and requested the victim to transfer funds to process important documents. Persuaded by the fake identity, the victim transferred Rs2.08 crore across three separate transactions as instructed via the WhatsApp messages.
The arrested individuals have been identified as: Divyansh Kumar , Pulkit Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Sujit Kumar
The fraudsters used social engineering tactics, exploiting the victim’s trust and presenting a sense of urgency to facilitate the scam. The police investigation revealed that the accused were part of a larger network of criminals involved in WhatsApp-based impersonation fraud.