On Monday, Pratapgarh police announced the busting of an inter-district cyber fraud racket and the arrest of two key members, Anil Kumar and Prem Pal, both residents of Pilibhit. The duo allegedly cheated people of Rs2.28 lakh from multiple accounts between August 24, 2023, and October 16, 2023, in Pratapgarh district.
According to police, the suspects used a laptop and a finger scanner device to illegally transfer funds into their own accounts while working as business correspondents (BCs) at a nationalised bank. They manipulated the mobile numbers of account holders, stole their confidential information, and created fake UPI IDs to deceive customers.
Authorities also seized one laptop, one finger scanner device, one ATM card, a passbook, and a PAN card from their possession.
In a related development, Fatehpur police arrested seven members of an interstate robbers gang involved in executing robberies on highways.