Bajaria police have arrested Ajay Kumar Jain, a post office staffer, and his accomplice, Vikas Sahu, for stealing Rs16 lakh from a widow’s pension account in a well-planned fraud. The money belonged to Ganga Bai, the widow of Umrao Singh, a freedom fighter.
The fraud came to light when Shankarlal Pawar, a resident of Chandbadh, reported that a large sum of money had been withdrawn from his grandmother’s post office pension account. Ganga Bai receives the pension in honor of her late husband, Umrao Singh.
Following the complaint, police requested information from the head post office at TT Nagar, which led to an FIR being filed against Ajay Kumar Jain under relevant fraud-related sections.
According to Inspector Jitendra Singh Gurjar, the investigation team, with the help of cyber experts, tracked down Ajay Kumar Jain. Upon questioning, Jain revealed that his accomplice, Vikas Sahu, who works at the Chandbadh post office, had stolen Ganga Bai’s cheque when she visited the post office. Sahu then handed the stolen cheque to Jain, who forged Ganga Bai’s signature to withdraw ₹16 lakh from her account. The duo divided the stolen funds between themselves.
Police are continuing their investigation into the case, which underscores the importance of safeguarding pension accounts from fraud.