Colva police arrested a 32-year-old man, Sumeet Mohan Das, originally from Odisha, for being in possession of 895 grams of Ganja, valued at approximately Rs89,500. The arrest took place in Betalbatim, a locality in South Goa.
According to the police, Das was found carrying a bag containing a flowery substance, which was suspected to be Ganja. Along with the narcotics, a weighing machine was also seized. The arrest was made following the mandatory procedures under the NDPS Act, and a Panchanama was conducted to record the recovery.
Das is currently under interrogation to determine the source of the drugs. The investigation is ongoing, supervised by Ritesh Tari, PI Colva PS, and Sidhant Shirodkar, SDPO Margao, with overall supervision by Sunita Sawant, SP South Goa.