Toronto Police have arrested N’Da Sylvain Kouaido, 25, following an assault and mischief investigation. The arrest came after two separate incidents on January 16, 2025, around Dundas Street West and Elizabeth Street.
At approximately 7:55 a.m., police responded to a call about an assault in progress. The first victim was in their car when the suspect approached, opened the driver’s side door, and assaulted them. The victim was able to drive away without requiring medical attention. About five minutes later, a second victim had a similar encounter with the suspect. After being assaulted, the victim was also able to escape in their car.
Kouaido was arrested nearby and charged with two counts of assault and mischief. He appeared in court on the same day at the Toronto Regional Bail Centre. Authorities are investigating further and believe there may be other victims. An image of the suspect has been released to assist with the investigation. The suspect and victims were not known to each other.